Peter Gow, Trying to Further Education and Educators

A school is … (Verse 1)


A school is an idea representing an ideal or aspiration.

On one level, this is like brand—a set of expectations built around experience—but on a deeper level, this is of course a combination of the ideas and beliefs behind the school’s founding and its current stated mission. Rather like constitutional law, schools evolve as time and experience—quotidian and crisis—force the leaders of the institution to adapt their understanding of its purposes, aims, and values to changing conditions. Like the law, there may be a thick encrustation of interpretation and precedent and operational procedures akin to statutes, but at the core must live those principles, call them constitutional principles, that guide the school toward its ideals and its most lofty aspirations.

What are the ideas or aspirations that come to mind when people hear the name of your school? This is an important question, and of course in presenting your school to the world and to itself (external and internal marketing, both equally important) it is critical that there be congruence between the school’s view of itself and the world’s view of the school. (And what do you do when you suspect the world’s view is the more accurate?)

A school that lacks clarity on this issue is in difficulty.



I here affirm that the offices from which I work are situated on lands that have a very long and continuing history as a locus of residence, livelihood, traditional expression, and exchange by the Massachusett, Wampanoag, Abenaki, Mohawk, Wabanaki, Hohokam, O’odam, Salt River Pima, and Maricopa people. The servers for this website are situated on Ute and Goshute land. We make this acknowledgment to remind ourselves, our educational partners, and our friends of our shared obligation to acknowledge and work toward righting the inequities and injustices that have alienated indigenous peoples from the full occupation and utilization of these spaces.